Giovanna Elizabeth Guzman Camacho

Engineer in Renewable Energy Sources

Engineer in Renewable Energy Sources from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. She has collaborated as a scholarship holder with CEMIE-OCEANO on behalf of UABCS with the collection and manipulation of surface temperature data in the bay of La Paz and in different points of the coasts of the country for the elaboration of maps and in an energy audit for the National Electoral Institute of the municipality of La Paz.

Head of Administration / 2023-Present
  • Description: Provide support to the departments of energy, health and environmental quality, in terms of research in information management and application of technical-scientific methods/methodologies for the development of projects.
  • Activities performed: Support in the collection and processing of information for the preparation of articles and research reports.
  • Applied skills: Use of science and innovation technologies, critical thinking, analytical skills, research skills, problem solving.