Dánae Kerr Fenton Bringas

Master in Social Sciences

Master in Social Sciences. With a happy heart and a wild spirit rooted in South California. With a professional preparation in plastic arts, I introduce myself to the social sciences to use the artistic experience as a tool to encourage deep reflection in people and the appropriation of knowledge in favor of ecosocial well-being.

Strategic Linkage and Citizen Participation Coordinator / 2023-Present
  • Description: Coordinate projects and events with an environmental focus that allow the organization to link up with the social, academic, political and economic sectors, to raise awareness, raise awareness and raise funds that allow the sustainability of the organization as a non-profit.
  • Activities performed: Establish links with different sectors of the South Californian community through environmental awareness; in order to encourage participatory action to promote environmental quality.
    Educación ambiental, transición comunitaria y esquemas de participación comunitaria. Fomento del pensamiento crítico a través de la experiencia.
  • Applied skills: Adaptability, calm decision-making, stress control, assertive communication, honesty, active listening, confidence and flexibility.