Estimation of SO2 and Hg emissions from the Popocatepetl volcano plume Dr. Benedetto Schiavo Institute of Geophysics, UNAM
Pollutant transport and atmospheric trajectory modeling for preliminary identification of point sources Dr. Hugo Alberto Barrera Huertas National School of Biological Sciences, Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Physicochemical characterization of water supplying UABCS buildings Dr. Karen Velázquez Pedroza Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur
Atmospheric pollution and its relationship with urban solid waste in the municipality of La Paz Dr. Deneb Peredo Mancilla and Dr. Jaqueline Valenzuela Meza Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, Centro de Energía Renovable y Calidad Ambiental
Study of point sources of air pollution using the DOAS technique Dr. Claudia Inés Rivera Cárdenas. Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change, UNAM

Environmental health and increase in cerebrovascular disease due to poor urbanization
Dr. Valentina Davydova Belitskaya
University of Guadalajara
