Jaqueline Valenzuela Meza

Executive Director

D. in Sustainable Development and Globalization in 2016, she is currently a research professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur (UABCS). She is currently a research professor at UABCS, and is a founding member and serves as Executive Director of CERCA A.C., a scientific-environmental citizen center specializing in energy and air quality issues in Baja California Sur. At the same time, she is a member of several technical committees and national and international participation.

Dánae Fenton Bringas


Dirección de Incidencia

Master in Social Sciences. With a happy heart and a wild spirit rooted in South California. With a professional preparation in plastic arts, I introduce myself to the social sciences to use the artistic experience as a tool to encourage deep reflection in people and the appropriation of knowledge in favor of ecosocial well-being.

Jesrrael Sánchez Flores


Asistente de dirección

Su formación abarca diversas áreas, desde Derecho hasta Educación, con una maestría y estudios de Doctorado en Pedagogía e Investigación en curso, se ha desempeñado como catedrático de diversas universidades, ha participado en proyectos nacionales de investigación en la enseñanza del derecho  y ha recibido reconocimientos por su labor, demostrando un compromiso constante con la actualización académica a través de diplomados y cursos en áreas como derechos humanos, mediación  y protección ambiental.

Mauricio Tellez Mendoza
Líder del Departamento de Energía

Graduated from TecNM Campus Morelia, cyclist, interested in the environment from an early age, I have participated in several projects related to the use of solar energy, as well as design and manufacturing projects with 3D printing.

Iurhí Jaritzi Romero Gutiérrez

Communication Liaison

Graduated from the Bachelor of Design, intern at the International Learning Network on Sustainability (LeNS), social and environmental activist and volunteer, interested in planning events, management and development of sustainable projects based on the design of tools and services within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.

